
On this page, devoted to the activities animated by some friends of mine, I’d like to give a speciale space to the Association of the Friends of the Cammino di Santu Jacu website:


I recommend you to visit it, firstly because it is the only place where you can find the updated and official information about the Cammino di Santu Jacu in Sardinia. As some of you may know, I’ve been working on that project for some years now and I had the luck of walking a part of it last November. The video of that wonderful week is at the end of this article.

But the Cammino di Santu Jacu is not the only interesting thing you will find on that website: there also are constantly updated information related also to other routes in Italy, France, Spain and Portugal, together with lists of albergues, instructions to get to start points of many Caminos, and so on… It’s a real gold mine for pilgrims!

6 thoughts on “ website”

  1. Avendo vissuto tantissimi anni in Sardegna en gli anni 70 e 80, abbiamo deciso di camminare da Oschiri a Porto Torres questo mese di giugno. Se no, Plan B sarebbe da Mandas verso P. Torres ! Dipende dal tempo disponibile.

    1. Che bella notizia, Anna! Sarà un Cammino stupendo! Per avere maggiori informazioni e aggiornamenti, nonché i contatti di amici lungo il Cammino, puoi scrivere a, così sarete in una botte di ferro!

      1. Yes, Sara. I already made contact with Flavio months back when I first saw the site!
        When do you leave?
        We are tentatively thinking of walking from Montserrat via S. Juan de la Peña, starting beginning of Sept. This will depend on certain family issues! We will need 2 months to complete it! Yikes! (we are OLD, both in our 70’s)!
        PS- I am annakappa on the Forum!

        1. Excellent! Sorry, I didn’t make the connection with the forum! I’m leaving in two weeks, on May 15th… I’m very excited! I’m happy you wrote to Flavio: he’s going to be very helpful! Is it the Plata you’re going to walk in September?

          1. No, Montserrat via S. Juan de la Peña to Santiago. We have a special connection with Montserrat, so it seems the thing that we should do this time (before we get tooooooo old (both in our 70’s). We have already walked once from Jaca, via S. Juan de la Peña – a not to be missed site).

          2. So the Aragones! If it seems the right thing to do, it shall be so! Buen Camino, peregrinos!

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